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No One Touched Me!

A young woman slipped on ice and bruised her ribs and leg on her right side. Her leg was swollen for several days. She had wincing sore pains for almost 10 days. She wasn’t able to sleep because of the pain. She held her side, even while laughing, as the pain was excruciating and would end up crying from the pain. She considered visiting the hospital after sunday service as the pain hadn’t subsided. During worship, the Holy Spirit began healing people. She took a risk and poked her ribs and there was no pain. Prior to the worship service, the area was tender to touch. But, as she squeezed and twisted her body, she realized that the pain had completely left her. She ran up to the front to testify of what God did for her! She is completely pain free, 100% healed! That happened during worship! The presence of God is mighty to break every stronghold and destroy all sickness and disease in your body. Just believe!